eZ Publish Basic

eZ Publish Basic 2.4.0 is now in active development and refactoring to restore to useful functioning as originally designed using the latest PHP 8 release (8.1/8.2/8.3/8.4).

eZ Publish Basic 2.4.0 is currently installable via composer or git if you prefer to try our most recent progress.

Try our software today and get ready to enter your own content and see it in your own website powered by eZ Publish Basic.


Test drive eZ Publish Basic today with our new online demo of the eZ Publish Basic Administrator, make changes to the website's example content, create an article and view it live on the demo user facing website pages that are dynamically generated.


View our available preview screenshots of the eZ Publish Basic Website and Administrator.


Downloads now available from Git via GitHub, SourceForge and our Download section.


GNU GPLv2 (or later version)


eZ Publish Basic is powered by the family of eZ Publish Based Distributions and Editions, and all available GPLv2 compatible code and GNU Documentation.

You can get commercial support, upgrades, data imports, maintenance from 7x.

Note: This project is not affiliated with Ibexa (Formerly eZ Systems) in any way. Yet we give our respect to the creator of the free software contributions.


7x, Graham Brookins


Ibexa (formerly eZ Systems)